Did you know that….[1]
- 55% of CEO’s think that a lack of trust is a threat to their organization’s growth.
- The ‘trust” or “feel good” hormone is called Oxytocin. High stress is an oxytocin inhibitor, and releases cortisol, the “fight or flight” hormone.
- People at ‘high-trust’ companies report 74% less stress, 100% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, 13% fewer sick days, 75% more engagement, 40% less burnout, 29% more satisfaction with their lives
- 5 million manager-led teams in 195 countries found that workforce engagement improved when supervisors had some form of daily communication with direct reports
- Even engineers need to socialize
[1] Source: Paul Zak, founder, the Center for Neuroeconomic Studies
Knowing that our brains can affect our verbal responses, it is helpful to have some ground rules for carrying on a conversation with a colleague. Here are a few ways to set yourself up for greater success prior to a meeting or critical conversation:
5 Steps to Priming our Conversations with Trust[2]
- Step 1: Connect to Lower Fears. “How can I create a safe environment for an open and nonthreatening conversation? What words can I use to make the other person feel comfortable?
- Step 2: Connect to listen: “How can I create a rapport with respect and trust? What words will help us connect without judgment?
- Step 3: Listen to Understand: How can I step into the other person’s shoes and see the world through their eyes? I can my words bridge our realities?
- Step 4: Listen to share success: How can we co-create success—not just my success? How can I let go of being right and stay open and curious to new possibilities?
- Step 5: Be truthful: How can we both share our truths, and continue to elevate our conversations?
[2] Based on an article from Benchmark Communications