We've created our own list of leadership qualities based on our experience with leaders over the last 15 years:
1. Ask others for help. Think of ASK as an acronym: Always Seek to Know more. In other words, you don't have to know all the answers. No one expects you to know it all. (and who likes a know-it-all anyway?) Other people have been put on the planet to help; and all you have to do is ask. Trying to be all things to all people is an overwhelming responsibility, when so many others are willing to share their expertise.
2. Invite people into your "Success Vision" Explain what success looks like to the company, and allow them to contribute in a way that is both positive to the company and rewarding to them. Isn't it easier to have others willingly participate than force feeding?
3. Inspire others to do great things. Great leaders understand that when our skills and passion are channeled into the right tasks--we are able to leap tall buildings.
4. Be clear. If it's so easy, why is there so much miscommunication? Be consistent with your message. People want to know what you expect; they don't want you to change your mind from one day to the next, backpedal, or withold; ambiguity causes chaos and confusion.
5. Be an exceptional role model-- The list of leadership qualities is long. Think of it as a wardrobe of positive traits. Select those that are important to you and model them to others. Integrity, confidence, good listening skills, thoughtful decision-making, gratitude, to name a few ---whatever traits you choose, "wearing" them will hold both yourself and others to a higher level of professionalism.
6. Build a success team personally and professionally. I like to say that "the quality of your life is equal to the quality of those you choose to have around you." If you're not good at selecting employees, friends or spouses, get help learning the art of discernment. And this would be a good place to offer up know that Carolina Business Coach has a system to help you hire the right person for any position; having resources to make your professional life easier is important.
7. Don't stagnate. Keep moving. Good leaders keep learning, reading, expanding. What we learn about human interaction has grown dramatically in the past decade. Continue to engage your brain in personal and professional development, and your heart and time in meaningful activities. Learning is a lifetime commitment.
8. Engage. Engage. Engage. It's all about people. The Board Room is nothing more than a fancy cubicle: you've got to get outside of it and mingle at the proverbial water cooler. Whether you live to work or work to live, interaction is the key to getting others to help you succeed.